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Trending topics in July 2009
Questions from July 2009

My 40k mile Vauxhall Meriva has just been serviced by the main dealer who, without asking, added some substance to the petrol and engine oil and called it an ‘Emissions Service’ then stuck £20 on my bill....

I am a furious with McDonalds for having been sent a notice of a £50 parking charge by MET Parking Services for being on a McDonald’s restaurant site near Heathrow for 76 minutes (free stay is apparently...

With the kind permission of the EU we are allowed to continue to measure distance in miles. Why do certain government departments and the media - including the Motoring Section of the Daily Telegraph ("Motorcycles...

I am a retired Dr with a VW Golf Plus just out of guarantee and with only 26,000 miles on the clock. The ABS system has failed requiring a replacement costing £1,500 to make the car safe, insurable and...

I usually change my car every three years. Now that I've retired I intend to buy a new diesel saloon and keep it for eight to ten years. My choices are: Mercedes E class, Jaguar XF, or Audi A5. In your...

Just as a matter of interest: I was cleaning my FIAT 500 this week and, horror of horrors, saw “dreaded orange pinprick spots.” My car has been treated and cleaned by hand on a regular basis. Having owed...

I could not agree more about your comments relating to speed cushions. I live in a conservation area festooned with humps and cushions due to an infant school a few doors away. I drive a small Mini and...

Before too long I could be looking to buy a new car. My ‘normal’ private purchases are Mercedes/Audi/BMW. For each of these I have (to me) a major concern: the absence of a ‘proper’ spare wheel. The systems...

I have a 1998 1.25 Fiesta, which is getting expensive to get through MOTs. With the scrappage scheme, I am now considering buying a new car but I've only had used cars before so I'm looking for a bit...

Regarding the email from CL and his speeding offence in Cumbria. If CL is determined to pursue this, although he has asked for a court hearing, he will almost certainly be asked initially to attend a pre...

My father has a cherished plate on an old Datsun Cherry that will be
used under the scrappage scheme as payment towards a new car. He wishes to keep the cherished plate. Can you please advise the correct...

A friend who has very limited mobility but can easily (relative that is) get into my small Smart is looking for a car he can buy using the scrappage scheme trade in of a 10 year old Berlingo. I would be...

Listening to the radio it now seems that motorway closures are becoming an everyday occurrence. Motorways are the arteries of our economy so I can only assume that we are having a spate of major pile-ups...

I am coming to you for some advice as an avid reader of your column. My sister purchased a Saab 9-3 TID Sport (150bhp) in January of this year. From the day she collected it she has experienced problems...

I've contacted you before regarding my Astra estate (regarding a hand brake ratchet problem - now fixed) and I'm sorry to question you again but have a niggling question about the turbo. In 1st and 2nd...

I currently drive 25-30kmiles per annum and have a 2003 Citroen C5 2.0 SX petrol, bought last October now with 59k miles. Not long after purchase it became clear that the car was not well put together...

Suffering, what may appear to be a mid-life crisis, me and my partner have decided to remove from our driveway one of our more sedate cars and plump for a sports type convertible. However looking at the...

I had a 3-year Citroen maintenance contract, which expired 29th June 2009. The contract covered three years services, MoTs and anything apart from tyres not covered by vehicle warranty. It has paid for...

I wonder if you could help me with a problem I am having with a Vauxhall Corsa, purchased new in March 2008 for cash. The car broke down on March 26th and was towed by the AA to our local Evans Halshaw...

Is it still necessary to have to change to Spanish plates to keep a British registered car in Spain?

Just a bit of positive feedback on BCA Sure-sell, that you sometimes recommend. I sold our one owner, low mileage but slightly bashed, 2004 Yaris through them. The car was delivered to them on the Friday,...

I am leaving the UK for a while and want to sell my car in the London area. Would you recommend putting it on a car sales forecourt or putting it through an auction? Your advice would be much appreciated.

Further to your remarks about the Spanish 2nd hand market in Saturday's issue (June 6th), I wonder if you can help us with a similar problem in the south of France. We live in Cyprus and want to buy a...

We own a small 1,100cc Hyundai i10 – and are very pleased with it. It has just had its first service (1 year old), but we have only covered about 4,500 miles in the first year. We will be travelling...

Can you offer some practical advice about the correct driving position? I realise drivers come in different shapes and sizes. I am approx 5' 9" and have a car with electric seat movement and memory. The...

You recently named three websites for tracing old registration numbers. I had a Wolseley 18/80 1937 model in the 1950s registration number AV 9226 and none of the websites were of any use. Perhaps you...

We are a family of 5 who need a new family car that can take up to 7 people and a whole range of sports equipment, we have a limited budget (hopefully up to £12,000), would prefer a car not a van and...

I would be interested to know is there any value in a trade-in for a Vauxhall Vectra 1600, date of registration 27.11.98, S registration, 85,000 mileage or would I be better looking into the scrappage...

One to add to your database. About two weeks back as I was slowly driving out of our drive onto the local side road when I head a loud bang. I stopped the car, (a late 2005 SAAB 9-3 convertible) got out...

In December last year I had my 6 yr old Ford Mondeo MoT'd at a Ford dealer. The car was serviced and the service department took measurements of the tyres tread depth outer to inner as follows. n/s front...

A friend of mine is looking to replace her P-reg Micra sometime over the next 10 months or so. Her garage and drive are very narrow and so she needs a similarly compact car. It will be used primarily...

I have recently taken delivery of an Audi Q5 2.0 Tdi STronic and whilst delighted with most aspects of the car, fuel consumption is disappointing. I've done several long journeys, mix of motorway, A &...

I have an 07-registered Mitsubishi Colt CZ1 (3dr, Black, Air Con, 18,000 miles, petrol, manual). I want to downgrade to something a little older say 2004/2003 (Nissan Micra, Honda Jazz) but would like...

I bought a new model Skoda Superb and took delivery on 1st December last year. Model is 2.0 Elegance with the 170BHP CR engine. I live in Welwyn Garden City where the roads are in a scandalous state. We...

Placing objects on the highway is an offence under Highways Act 1980 s.148, and the remedy is found in s.149. The Highway Authority has a duty to assert and protect the highway under s.130. Subsection...

I am a loss to understand why the police and the government do not take a tougher line on overtinted driver and passenger windows. These windows should have a light transmission of 70% but it is not part...

During a holiday in France our Renault Megane Cabriolet Coupe was written off in an accident on June 23rd 2005. We never saw it again. This car had our private plate on it. T111 JSH. In November 2005 we...

Does the Jaguar XF 3.0i V6 diesel prominently advertised in yesterday's Telegraph have the new diesel engine or are they clearing stocks of the old one? Are the claims of high quality standing up to expectation?

1st June saw the re- opening of the Honda factory at Swindon, and if
the press are to be believed they are pinning great hopes on the production of the new Jazz. Now my wife has owned two of the old shape...

I share your cynicism about the value and intent of the authorities spending large sums generated from speeding fines, on "traffic calming" measures. However, I understand that these provisions are often...

I would appreciate your advice regarding my car battery. My car is a Honda Civic Type R with satnav etc, etc bought as a demonstrator from a Honda dealer. The car was first registered in March 2008 and...

You recently gave me your thoughts on trading my MX-5. I've still not made up my mind between a Cayman and a 370Z but decided to get shot of the Mazda anyway, so I thought you'd be interested in feedback...

On Sunday I signed to purchase a new Hyundai i20 under the scrappage deal. I was dealing with a marketing person rather than a sales person and he had to hand the order to sales on the Monday morning....

Back in December I sold a Volvo Estate. I wrote to DVLA next day and informed them (just plain first class post). A few months later they sent me a letter saying I had failed to inform them of a change...

I am a 25-year-old woman looking to buy my first car due to my workplace changing location from Central London to Hertfordshire. I will be driving approximately 40 miles a day to get to and from work....

My daughter recently started a new job in South London and rather then stay up there she wishes to commute. As we live in Southampton the commute is a 150-mile round trip per day, 5 days per week. She...

My father had someone go into the back of him last week, a company car driver. He has had an estimate for repair and the insurance company have deemed the car a write off. The car is pristine except for...

I just want to see if anyone else has noticed the rude and aggressive behaviour I have recently experienced from female drivers. I've held a full licence for over 25 years. I have never had any confrontation...

My two-year old Renault Scenic with just 20,000 miles on the clock was recently diagnosed with a failing clutch release bearing, and it was with great trepidation that I took it for repair to the dealership...

We are now retired and would like your advice on which car/s might best suit our current needs. We fancy a Mini MPV for the added height giving clearer views and easier entry/exit. We now enjoy comfort...