Worst places in the UK for road rage revealed

Wales is worst place for road rage in the UK according to new research.
A survey of motorists by YourParkingSpace placed the principality top in the angry driver league. Drivers have seen more instances of fellow motorists tailgating and displaying road rage in Wales than any other region in the UK.
The East and East Anglia were joint top with Wales for tailgating. More than 60% of motorists say they have witnessed other drivers tailgating, the highest percentage in the UK.
Yorkshire and the Humber and the South East of England were also front-runners for tailgating.
Northern Ireland, meanwhile, matched Wales for instances of road rage, with the East and East Anglia again up there, along with the South West.
"Welsh people are some of the friendliest on the planet but it would appear that some can’t control their actions behind the wheel when the red mist appears - although they are by no means alone in the UK," says Andy Syrett of YourParkingSpace.
Surprisingly, London placed well below the 30% average for instances of road rage – indeed, its 24% score was the lowest of all.
"Despite its reputation for having the worst drivers, it would seem that Londoners are actually quite considerate, with the lowest regional incidents of road rage witnessed and the second lowest for tailgating," added Syrett.
Drivers in the North East also recorded a below-average score of seeing a road rage incident. Scotland, the North West, West Midands plus Yorkshire and the Humber were all average for witnessing road rage incidents.
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