There has been a staggering 175% increase in car insurance claims caused by pothole damage, according to new data from Admiral
A digital driving licence will be one of the first features of a new GOV.UK Wallet smartphone app due to launch this summer
Motorists have strongly backed the mandatory retesting of senior drivers – with millennials leading the way in supporting the measure
An alarming 43% of young passengers aged 17-29 who die in car crashes are not belted.
A staggering 55% of young drivers admit they have used their mobile behind the wheel, more than double the rate of the overall driving population
Motorists say they have seen more instances of tailgating and road rage in Wales than any other region in the UK.
The number of lives lost on rural roads is a shocking 70% higher than on urban highways, new analysis of DfT figures by NFU Mutual has revealed.
The majority of motorists admit they’d probably fail their driving test if they had to re-take it today
The DfT has declared it has "no policy to encourage greater uptake of motorcycles" and will not proceed with plans for two-wheelers to be granted bus lane access.
Pothole compensation claims to councils have more than doubled in the past 12 months from 8327 to over 20,000, new data reveals
You are twice as likely to be involved in an injury-causing collision in the vicinity of a major airport, with Heathrow leading the way in terms of collisions
Around 1.5 million of Britain’s 7.2 million streetlights could be axed by the Department for Transport in order to save money.