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Most recently answered scrapping questions

I took my car to a garage for an MoT about a year ago. They did nothing but when I rang they said it had failed the MoT. I've just called them and they said it was srapped.I knew nothing about this - ...

The DVLA state that my wife’s car has been scrapped on the 24/5/23 but the car passed its MoT on 27/7/23. There's no Certificate of Destruction received nor any payment of Scrap value received. The DVLA...

My son’s car’s engine has packed up and is not repairable. Are there any reputable companies that buy cars like this as he cannot afford a new engine ?

My wife's Ford KA will be MOT'd next month and we feel it will fail on the bodywork. It'll need welding to pass, based on previous experience - so if this happens, we would like to take the car home and...

I have a 20 year old motorbike, which I have been using as a daily commuter for the past 5/6 years. It is now tired beyond use and I intend to dismantle it and sell for parts. I'm happy with the work as...

I was wondering if you had any ideas to help with my dad's car. He owns a Morris Minor Traveller that has not been used for about 25 years. It is parked on the drive but has been gradually rotting away...

I have a 2001 Mazda MX5 1.8 with around 70,000 miles on the clock. It will probably fail its next MoT. Even though the engine and gearbox are still top notch, the cost of essential repairs (including exhaust/cat...

I have a 1995 Golf GTI 16V, which I've owned from new. It has failed its MoT due to under body corrosion. The estimated repair is likely to be around £1000, although the garage say this will depend on...

I would like a new car. It needs to be cheap, small, reliable and economical as I drive less than 4000 miles a year. Which cars would fit my requirements?

My beloved 20 year old Jaguar XJ6 has developed electrical problems, due partly to water getting into the wiring. My mechanic has sourced some used parts (Jaguar don't make them any more), but the immobiliser...