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Most recently answered policies questions
If my partner who's a named driver on my car needed to drive very occasionally to work as a locum at different locations should we inform the insurance company? This doesn't sound like commuting so what...
My wife has been involved in an accident and her insurance company made an offer to settle as her car is uneconomical to repair. She has bought a new car even though she hasn't received the settlement...
My 19 year old son is just about to qualify as a carpenter and needs a van because he will be self-employed. Please can you advise the best type of van insurance company who specialise in young drivers...
My insurance company have cancelled my van insurance due to a mistake that was made when purchasing online. I forgot to declare a motoring conviction for a bald tire I received four years ago, will this...
My car engine caught fire three weeks ago. I have fully comp insurance. We have agreed on pay out and I have sent all documents back but am still waiting for the cheque. They have now asked for my insurance...
I have for many years only driven a classic car , Renault 9, with an agreed value. The time has come to replace this car for a secondhand Renault Clio, as I can't afford to keep restoring this and my Triumph...
My wife has recently renewed her insurance policy through Castle Cover (who I have used for years with car and house insurance). She completed the deal but a couple of days later she received a letter...
I have just bought a newer second hand car and still have my old car which is taxed for another six months and I am no hurry to sell or scrap it. I cannot drive it under my new car comprehensive insurance...
I went to renew my insurance policy and i told them about some previous motoring convictions that occured some years ago as which I hadn't told them about because I didn't realise that I had to. They are...
Renewal for my Volvo XC90 came through from Direct Line for a fraction under £500, this seemed high so I logged on to the Direct Line website to see what they'd quote for a new customer. A quote came back...

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