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Most recently answered road signs questions
Here in Suffolk, the lack of spending on roads is evident in the poor condition of the road signs. In many rural areas, including beside the main roads, the supporting posts have rusted out leaving the...
When I started driving in 1968 even major roadworks were only slightly disruptive of traffic flow and usually managed by a man holding a stop/go board. Now, even minor works on little-used country roads...
Over the past few months, I have covered thousands of miles driving up and down England. Many of the direction signs are covered by vegetation/trees and I reckon about a third are barely readable. Who...
The very interesting cover story in a recent Daily Telegraph Motoring about the design and clarity of UK road signage, prompts me to observe, that, with the exception of motorways, road signs of all varieties...
Travelling home to Somerset from Heathrow along the M4 I was grateful to be warned, on numerous occasions, that there were long delays from J13 to J24 on the M5. However, these warnings did of course omit...
I have taken to phoning 101 (the nationwide police non-emergency number) on each of the many occasions when I spot a set of overhead signs which are clearly wrong. Is there an more effective way of getting...
I have been led to believe that police speed traps (of the hand-held variety, not fixed camera) could only be conducted where there was clear signage that a speed camera operation could be conducted. I...
Hertfordshire County Council is spending or has spent over £200,000 on digital traffic information signs. One of these, in Stevenage, obstructs the view of a driver emerging from his property. Meanwhile...
It is tragic to hear about so many deaths and injuries of roadworkers on our motorways, but, while in no way condoning the actions of some drivers who drive at over 70mph after passing roadworks signs,...
While driving around Surrey and the South East I notice many direction signs at junctions and roundabouts have the left-hand side of the sign hidden by tree branches and bushes. Is this a nationwide problem?...