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Most recently answered protection of freedoms bill questions

I have been following the debate on Clause 56 of the Protection of Freedoms bill through your column and have written to my MP (twice) to raise my objections. I finally received a reply from Norman Baker...

Regarding Clause 56 of the Protection of Freedoms Bill which allows Parking Enforcement outfits to pursue Registered Keepers of cars for parking penalties, a change to the bill will allow the rental and...

Instead of motorists rejoicing that a debate over road fuel prices was triggered by a petition signed by just over 100,000 people, we should be looking upon this as the greatest show of public apathy ever....

I thought that the attached correspondence from Norman Baker would add to the debate. I had raised the points discussed in your letters column directly with my MP and he has followed this through: it would...

Further to your recent columns regarding the relationship between the BPA and the DVLA, and the Protection of Freedoms Bill, I have received the attached letter from Norman Baker via my local MP (Gregory...

Vince Cable wrote to me: “The Protection of Freedom Act will make it illegal to clamp vehicles on Private Land. It should end the activities of "cowboys" who have exploited people who have parked on Private...

Thank you for your reply to my e-mail about Clause 56 of the Protection of Freedoms Bill concerning private parking penalties and for your comments on the letter sent to me by Eric Pickles that I copied...

On a recent day out to London with a friend, as he parked his car at Hillingdon Tube Station, I paid the daily £5 charge at the appropriate machine. On our return later in the day, we found a parking ticket...

As suggested in your column in the Daily Telegraph, I emailed my MP to express concern about Clause 56 in the Protection of Freedoms Bill. She contacted the minister and I thought you might be interested...

I signed the petition against Clause 56 of the Protection of Freedoms Bill and wrote to my MP, and I attach his response. Please note that there are not many signatures on the petition. Eric Pickles' response...