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Most recently answered driving courses questions

My boss is saying a need to book holiday to do a CPC course. Is that correct?

I shall be 70 very soon. I feel the need to update my driving skills (and to have an independent opinion on my competence, or lack of it). I got my license in 1971 and have been driving ever since - in...

I would be obliged if you could give me the address of a refresher driving course in the Leeds (West Yorkshire) area please?

My mum had a minor stroke recently, and wants to return to driving ASAP - she is 81 years old. I think the DVLA says you have to wait a minimum of a month, and I'm going to ask her GP to assess her first,...

I work as a Road Safety officer for Somerset County Council and the team here are all ex-Fire Service and Police Class 1 response drivers/motorcyclists, as well as being qualified RoSPA tutors and assessors....

Thanks for your numerous and excellent articles particularly re. safer driving. May I recommend the Institute of Advanced Motorists? At the age of 80 I decided that as my last test was in 1947 a little...

Your readers might be interested to know that Lancashire County Council offers a free driving course for older people. I am sixty eight years old and I did the course last week. You drive for an hour and...

I was truly shocked to read about the tragic case of the young girl who was killed by an old driver who the police had warned not to drive. Surely the police should have the power to stop this from happening....

My 31-year-old son (who currently drives a Fiesta) has been told that his company car for his new job starting next month will be an Aston Martin Vantage. Lucky sod. Can you recommend a suitable course...

Our 18-year-old granddaughter recently passed her driving test. The family's second car is a basic MINI but when her parents tried to add her to their insurance the premiums quoted were prohibitive ranging...