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Most recently answered tracking questions

My '09 plate Toyota Hilux seems to pull slightly to the left. I've had the tracking checked twice at our local tyre shop and they tell me its fine - which means the check was free - so they're not making...

I'm taking delivery of a rather expensive motorhome and am persuaded that a tracking device might be a good idea. What are your thoughts on a provider?

I have a 2010 Mini Cooper and recently had the tracking checked. I was told there was feathering on the inside edges of both front tyres with 3, 4 and 5mm of tread across the tyres. The rear tyres have...

Over the years, with various cars, whenever I have had tyres replaced the garage invariably ask whether I want the tracking adjusted.
How often would you suggest this is necessary? Every year; whenever...

I took my Ford Fiesta to a garage four months ago for some new tyres. However, I’ve found that the tracking is wrong and it has damaged the front tyres. I’ve since taken the car to another garage who have...

What is the best way to get the wheel tracking checked on my car?

My Corsa was hit at a mini roundabout, along the front, from the left, by a heavy crossover vehicle travelling at 10-15 mph whose driver had simply not seen me. I had just managed to stop but she didn't....

I have a 2004 Jaguar XKR Coupe which I have owned for seven years and now most insurance companies insist that my vehicle needs a Tracker Device fitted before they are willing to offer me comprehensive...

Over the last 25 years or so, we have had a long series of Volkswagen Auto Group cars (three Passats, three Mk IV Golfs, a Leon, four Octavias and a Fabia). All have been bought direct from the original...

I bought a 1149cc 2006 Renault Clio Extreme two years ago with only 11,500 miles, and in the main really like the car. However, a problem developed after owning it for four months and the garage we bought...