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Most recently answered highways agency questions

When I started driving in 1968 even major roadworks were only slightly disruptive of traffic flow and usually managed by a man holding a stop/go board. Now, even minor works on little-used country roads...

I have taken to phoning 101 (the nationwide police non-emergency number) on each of the many occasions when I spot a set of overhead signs that are clearly wrong. Is there a more effective way of getting...

I have taken to phoning 101 (the nationwide police non-emergency number) on each of the many occasions when I spot a set of overhead signs which are clearly wrong. Is there an more effective way of getting...

The lane we have to drive on every day is full of potholes and, despite several complaints to Highways, nothing has been done. We now have broken a road spring due to the condition of the road. Do Highways...

Please can you tell me who controls the signs on the motorways that warn us about hold-ups, delays etc? I do not remember the last time that the warning on one of these gantries turned out to be up to...

My son is a photographer who sometimes carries 9-foot backdrop rolls to shoots, as well as lighting poles etc, and needs to replace his ageing Shogun Sport. He would like better fuel economy, and occasional...

On the outskirts of Grimsby lies a large commuter belt village with a long straight dual carriage by-pass with a 70 mph speed limit. The exit from the village towards Grimsby has an acceleration lane that...

Just who are the jobsworths who operate the overhead motorway signs and how many accidents do they cause with their unnecessary messages? On recent trips up and down the M1 we were constantly informed...

Placing objects on the highway is an offence under Highways Act 1980 s.148, and the remedy is found in s.149. The Highway Authority has a duty to assert and protect the highway under s.130. Subsection...

I always understood that if it was necessary to stop on the hard shoulder that it was advisable to point the steering towards the kerb. This would help to prevent that car being pushed into the moving...
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