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Most recently answered dashboard failure questions

My Renault Megane dashboard dials keep going haywire, like the DeLorean's dashboard in Back to the Future, about 20 minutes into a drive. They go back to normality after two or three minutes of the dials...

My Ford Focus Mk1 dashboard lights keep flashing like a Christmas tree while I'm driving.

I have had a Volvo XC60 SE5 diesel for just over 4 years and it has been generally satisfactory for my needs and not too expensive. I have done about 52,000 miles. A month ago one half of the dashboard...

The display in my 2001 Audi A6 TDI 2.5-litre's dash is not clear at all. When I first got the car four days ago I couldn't make out anything at all. It did clear slightly, but now it has gone funny again....

The electronic dashboard in my 2004 Renault Espace went faulty on a motorway, leaving the car incapable of being driven with no speedo or fuel gauge. A similar issue arose with Renault Scenics in 2008-2009....
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