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Most recently answered floods questions

The accepted advice is that driving through floods should be avoided. If it is felt necessary then a low gear should be selected, slip the clutch and keep revs up to avoid water being taken into the exhaust....

We live in a deeply rural area that often suffers from flooding. While we don't really need a 4X4 we would like a car that we have some confidence can get through some surface water up to perhaps 12 inches....

Will an electric car get through floods as well as a petrol or diesel car?

I drove my Alfa Romeo through a floodwater, which was lower than the sill, at lowish speed. How likely is it that this could've wrecked the engine? The car is heading for write off subject to the insurer...

How can I tell if a vehicle has been flooded in the recent floods?

How does someone avoid buying a car that has been in a flood?

Starting what seems a fruitless task looking for a Vauxhall Corsa, 2002/3, for my son's first car. Most very obviously damaged. One common problem seen in several cars is a waterlogged mat etc in the driver's...

I have noticed that the floor of my 2001 Honda Civic is very wet and everything is damp inside the car. What’s more, my seats have started to go mouldy and have an odour in the car too. Can you help? I...

Rain water is accumulating in the drivers foot-well, where should I look to clear a blocked drain?