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Most recently answered accident claims questions

My daughter was an innocent party in an accident in a car park. A car reversed into her new car causing cosmetic damage. The other driver accepted liability at the scene and gave my daughter their details....

Can one report an incident to the insurance company without making a claim? And if so, is there a time limit?

Six months ago my wife had a minor accident (nobody else involved) which resulted in an insurance claim. Over the past couple of weeks we have received several calls from an organisation calling itself...

I had to misfortune to hit a deer. It was early morning and there were no warning signs - the deer simply jumped over a hedge and collided with my car. There was extensive damage and my insurance company...

My car was declared a Category N write-off following an incident for which the other party admitted full liability. I disputed a first phoned offer from his insurer and immediately emailed them with six...

I was involved with a car accident where I turned out of a junction at the same time as another car turned on the opposite side of the road. I hadn't seen the car until the impact and it seems I am the...

I had a car accident in France in August. A lady drove into the back of my car. I was only third party covered on my insurance so am using a no win no fee company to chase my claim in France. The French...

My daughter was recently rear ended by a car when she was stopped at red traffic lights. The young man gave her his insurance and contact details, which turned out to be false. She did get the registration...

I was reversing out of my drive on Monday with parked cars either side and mums and kids around as it was school time. My visibility was poor but I was edging out in reverse very carefully. A car coming...

My father accidentally reversed into a six foot garden wall in his car. The wall promptly collapsed onto his car, so his car is a write-off and the wall will probably all need to be replaced as it is extensively...
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