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Most recently answered speed cameras questions

How much should I spend to buy a reliable speed camera/ radar detector for my car and how good are they?

For speeding offences my local police force has stated that CSW (Community Speedwatch) operates the rule of 10% + 3mph. CSW equipment is different from SEU (Speed Enforcement Unit) equipment, which is...

I travel through both inner and outer London boroughs and several cameras are in 20mph zones. However the other week I noticed a camera (the older style GATSO yellow one) with no speed markings on the...

I got flashed by a speed camera on a motorway gantry even though there was no speed limit displayed. If I receive a ticket can I opt for a speed awareness course and if so will I still get penalty points?...

I saw a traffic enforcement camera vehicle near a school with the council logo on the side. I heard these are monitor parking and issuing PCNs to those who park illegally near schools. Do these also issue...

Can speed cameras be installed on a dual carriageway if an accident has not happened along that stretch of road, but simply because of speeding incidents and a public consultation? And does it make it...

Are speed camera detectors legal. If so, what's the best product to buy?

I have been caught travelling at 53mph in 40mph limit on the M4. This is a stretch where variable speed limits apply. However, my passenger and I both believe that the limit showing on the gantry before...

You mention that it is not illegal to warn approaching drivers of the hazard of a speed trap, unless the person warned was in fact already speeding. I remember reading recently of a speed trap set up where,...