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Most recently answered slip roads questions

When on Google Maps to a destination it took me off at a slip road that said emergency vehicles only. Is this legal?

Surely on a slip road one should give way to a lane they want to enter? Braking for a vehicle wanting to join could cause an accident. One has to be aware what is legal as well as sensible.

I was very interested in the letter in last week’s Motoring Agony column, entitled ‘Sliproady Customer', about the attitude of some people to the way in which one should join a motorway. Recently, I went...

When driving on motorways or dual carriageways recently on a number of occasions I have had to avoid an incident as drivers just move straight on to the roadway without indicating or consideration of those...

Your reply in the Telegraph suggests that people joining the motorway should expect drivers already on the carriageway to give way when it is very clear that the responsibility for merging safely is firmly...

Rarely do I think you're not quite right, but your reply to JR, Pickering I think misses one point. I drive lots of motorways whilst delivering Mercedes-Benz cars, so I take care to assist the traffic...

On the outskirts of Grimsby lies a large commuter belt village with a long straight dual carriage by-pass with a 70 mph speed limit. The exit from the village towards Grimsby has an acceleration lane that...

They tried lights on the slip roads at J11 (eastbound) and J7 (westbound) on the M27 a year or so ago and they rapidly caused big tailbacks at peak times. The upshot was/is that they were removed after...

Want to save millions of tons of CO2 per year? Want to improve a car's mpg? Want to save the NHS £M's per year in medication prescriptions for high blood pressure? EASY. Just turn off all traffic lights...