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Most recently answered bus lanes questions

If the car in front is turning right am I allowed to to overtake on the inside if it means entering a bus lane?

I have a PCN for driving in a bus lane in an area that isn't familiar to me. I had been to a wedding reception and it was 12.50am, so assumed that there was no issue driving in the bus lane. I now realise...

I was picked up on camera driving in a bus lane and fined £60. Does this count as a conviction and do I have to inform my insurance company?

I was caught by a portable camera on a short, 175 metre stretch of bus lane, turning left into a side road, obstructing nobody, and actually relieving the jammed traffic in the outside lane. It was a busy...

On Sunday 20th January, I found it necessary to drive in Kingston upon Thames. It was snowing hard and some signage to my destination was partially obliterated by the snow attached to it. Being a disabled...

I recently received a penalty notice for driving my 49cc moped, disguised as a Mitsubishi Cantor truck, in a bus lane, from Leeds City Council. I don't really have to say any more. Suffice to say I have...

I got a ticket for being caught in a bus lane in London, because I stopped to let an ambulance with its siren on pass, accompanied by a police escort. I am appealing. Did you happen to read of the policeman...

Whilst travelling on the Kenton Road, Harrow on 13 August 2010, we had to turn into a junction to turn around dipping into the bus lane for a couple of metres. This involved no stopping or any inconvenience...

A nearby town has a bus lane that operates on weekdays between the hours of 7am and 7pm. I often drive through after 7pm and on Sundays. During these off-peak times I cannot understand why motorists insist...