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Most recently answered windscreen questions

My 2012 Audi A1 has developed a leak or leaks at the top of the windscreen. When it rains there is evidence of wetness on the roof lining above the driver seat and I have noticed the driver seat cover...

I have recently passed a couple of cars that have had film put on their front windscreen. It is therefore not possible to see the drivers nor any passengers. I assume this is somehow legal as they do not...

Having just paid £130 to have the sludge (which completely stopped the screen wash working) cleared from my BMW X1 can you exlain why sludge accumulates and what to do to prevent it happening again .I...

I have two cars and each is insured on a separate policy in my name. I have had one windscreen claim on each policy in the last 5 years. When applying for car insurance quotes do I need to list both windscreen...

I have recently bought an 8 month old used car from a dealer. Under certain sunlit conditions I notice small scratches on the windscreen. It looks like it has been cleaned with a cloth that had a piece...

Official advice is to place the French Crit'Air sticker on the right side of vehicle windscreen but for most UK cars this will impinge more than 40mm into zone B and won't that therefore be an MoT failure?

My windscreen has a star-shaped stone chip, 2cm diameter, at driver's eye level immediately in front of me. Would this constitute a fail in the MoT, due next week?

The car I’m buying has a large (the size of a tennis ball) circular scratch on the windscreen. Is there anyway we could get rid of it?

I have seen an increasing number of cars and vans with heavily tinted front windows. Some of them are so dark that you cannot see the driver inside the vehicle during daylight hours. Surely this cannot...

My wife has a 2013 Nissan Micra and finds in certain conditions that the windows severely mist up, even on a dry day. We have checked there are no damp carpets, no damp patches under the spare wheel nor...