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Most recently answered police questions

Is it correct to have received a speeding fine of £100 + 3 penalty points for doing 35mph in a 30mph limit in East Sussex?

A Met Office red weather warning includes the advice ‘do not drive.’ If this is ignored and a car accident occurs would the car insurance be invalid on the same basis that travel insurance is invalid in...

Is there a website where you can check whether your car has incurred a speeding penalty?

For speeding offences my local police force has stated that CSW (Community Speedwatch) operates the rule of 10% + 3mph. CSW equipment is different from SEU (Speed Enforcement Unit) equipment, which is...

Why do the police not stop and prosecute cars that have "Doctored" their private number plate to spell their name? This used to be a traffic offence many years ago but is now totally ignored.

Two family members have received an NIP for the same offence, we don’t know which one was driving, what do we do? It was a company vehicle that both drive and were both in on the offence day.

I have been served an NIP for allegedly doing 80mph in a 70mph section of a dual carriageway.The NIP was received on the 30th May and the alleged offence was on the 4th April. That gap in time doesn’t...

I have been accused of exceeding the 30 mph speed limit - I was allegedly caught on camera doing 40mph. Are the police duty bound to submit evidence i.e, camera photo and data information to substantiate...

Are trackers worth the money? Do police follow up tracker information?

Can you tell me what items I have to keep in my car by law please? There two things I can think of which may be required, a warning triangle and two yellow vests but I am not sure.